Rich Wastell


Rich Wastell
Last Active


  • @John Paul Coupe uk ecig station mate , £40 delivered the next day. I got my refund so have to thank @coilmaster, sounds like the chinese postage companies really screwed us all over. The kit is brilliant 
  • Thought I'd give you all an update. They refunded my money this morning after opening a PayPal dispute and escalating it. They tried to get me to close the dispute before offering a refund. Obviously I didn't want to do that. Got a DIY v2 kit from a…
  • They have now emailed me, saying that because i have opened a paypal case they cannot offer a refund. I must close the casse before a refund is offered. This despite paypal telling me not to close any case until and funds have cleared from a refund,…
  • Seems everyone is having some sort of problems, regardless of where you live or what you've ordered. I havn't heard a thing despite emails and opening a paypal dispute. I managed to order another v2 kit earlier today from a online UK store...its bei…
  • Ive given up now, just want my money back. 10 days and it hasnt even left china?! Terrible service 
  • Yeah mines still in China too. Doesnt say why though !
  • Mines the same mate, ordered the v2 kit on the 7th. emailed them yesterday with no reply. This morning the tracking says alert. I translated all the chinese writing on the tracking info at the bottom of the page and its still in china. I opened a di…